Bert Meulendijk Kemper Profiles Bert’s clean pack for the KEMPER PLAYER!!
In this pack you only find clean rigs, devided in a SC/P90 folder (28 profiles), and a DI folder (4 profiles).
These profiles are all taken from amps I already profiled, but are all revisited or never used before.
Some of the amps were profiled in the pre merged era. That explains the low number of DI profiles.
Here and there my Les Paul tended to go into light crunch so do check the SC/P90 folder if you have a Humbucker loaded guitar.
Hereby the list of used amps:
1. TKL : a recreation of a van Weelden ® Twinkleland
2. B-Verb : a recreation of a Redplate ® Blackverb
3. BEC : a recreation of a Bogner® Ecstacy classic
4. Filmo : a recreation of a Bell & Howell ® Filmosound
5. H-wazz : a recreation of a Hiwatt ® Custom 50
6. Jacky : a recreation of a Jackson Ampworks ® NC 30
7. KAE+ : a recreation of a Custom Audio Electronics ® CAE 3+
8. M-Plex : a recreation of a Marshall ® JTM45
9. MP-1 : a recreation of an ADA ® MP-1
10. Rover : a recreation of an Ernst Fliek ® the Rover
11. SC a recreation of a Sound City ® 50 plus
12. Show : a recreation of a Fender ® showman
13. V-GP 30 : a recreation of a V-Empire ® Greenpoint 30
14. Vubrolix : a recreation of a Fender ® Vibrolux
Please do try the effects that I programmed in the various slots. Especially
the pre stack boost and distortion (slot 2 and 3) gives you a nice clean+/light crunch sound. I’ve added some of my personal delays, reverbs, tremelo’s and other stuff to the rigs.